Cool Chess History Trivia: Name the Chess Stars
Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra
Kosteniuk, 2013
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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Hello everyone,
Here's a cool AP photo showcasing chess history. Can you name the two sports stars ;) in this AP archives photo. Check back in a few days to see the answer.
Here's a cool AP photo showcasing chess history. Can you name the two sports stars ;) in this AP archives photo. Check back in a few days to see the answer.
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal chess blog
Don't miss Chess Queen™
YouTube Channel
Labels: chess trivia photo
At October 13, 2013 at 1:47 AM ,
Mark Weeks said...
It's Fischer with Gail Goodrich of the Lakers.
At October 13, 2013 at 9:35 AM ,
Chessy said...
Bobby Fischer and ?
At October 16, 2013 at 10:54 AM ,
Chess Blog Admin said...
Chess star Bobby Fischer background serves during a celebrity tennis game in California June 1972 with Gail Goodrich basketball player as his partner
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