Cool Xtreme Chess Championships on TV! Must watch video
Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012
Hi everyone,
How about some cool chess news for the weekend? The second episode of the Extreme "X Chess" Championships, featuring a double header Battle of the Sexes is now live!
We thank our friend Jennifer Shahade (writer, entrepreneur and gamesplayer, two-time American Women’s Chess Champion and the editor of Chess Life Online at for sending us this video.
Sixteen-year-old chessmaster Alena Kats faces poker player & chess champ Alex Barnett while law student & ballerina Alisa Melekhina plays an intense match vs. Stanford senior Elliott Liu. The X Chess Champs is an eight-player single-elimination knockout made for TV chess tournament by Jennifer Shahade, Daniel Meirom and Greg Shahade. Stay posted on the Xtreme Chess Championships on twitter, facebook and subscribe to the youtube channel.
Hi everyone,
How about some cool chess news for the weekend? The second episode of the Extreme "X Chess" Championships, featuring a double header Battle of the Sexes is now live!
We thank our friend Jennifer Shahade (writer, entrepreneur and gamesplayer, two-time American Women’s Chess Champion and the editor of Chess Life Online at for sending us this video.
Sixteen-year-old chessmaster Alena Kats faces poker player & chess champ Alex Barnett while law student & ballerina Alisa Melekhina plays an intense match vs. Stanford senior Elliott Liu. The X Chess Champs is an eight-player single-elimination knockout made for TV chess tournament by Jennifer Shahade, Daniel Meirom and Greg Shahade. Stay posted on the Xtreme Chess Championships on twitter, facebook and subscribe to the youtube channel.
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
Labels: daniel meirom, greg shahade, Jennifer Shahade, tv chess tournament, x chess championships
At February 4, 2012 at 5:14 AM ,
alexis cochran, nz said...
kinda interesting idea. chess on tv. i like that.
At February 4, 2012 at 6:15 AM ,
andre martinez said...
kinda good promotion for chess. will we ever become a sport like football? wow.
At February 4, 2012 at 6:55 AM ,
Keith Schmidt, Berlin said...
quite funky
At February 4, 2012 at 8:18 AM ,
Jiu Lin, Beijing said...
where is Hou
At February 4, 2012 at 10:07 AM ,
patricia, rome said...
any naked chess on tv? - just an innocent query does not mean i approve or disapprove of it. Chess should be more on television. Feels good. Less noise more excitement - or am I getting kind of old. Keep up the good work folks.
At February 4, 2012 at 10:31 AM ,
Md Jaish, Kuala Lumpur said...
Chess Queen I want to see you on chess tv.
At February 5, 2012 at 9:29 AM ,
sebastian wolff, ny said...
novel concept great for chess keep up the good work
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