2010 Chess Olympiad:Nice games from Round 8
Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess News & Trivia (c) 2010
Hello Everyone,
The eight round is over at the 39th Chess Olympiad in Khanty-Mansiysk. You can find the detailed results and standings here. For all the detailed news updates and photos you can check the official website here. Here's a nice video report too.
Did you keep track of the games in Round 8? We did. So, here are some nice games. You can run the moves in our pgnplayer or watch in flash below.
Before that the top standings are as follows:
Open Section
1. Ukraine UKR 14
2. Russia 1 RUS1 13
3. Georgia GEO 13
4. Azerbaijan AZE 13
5. Hungary HUN 13
Women's Section
1. Russia RUS1 16
2. Serbia SRB 13
3. Russia RUS2 13
4. China CHN 12
5. Georgia GEO 12
PGN: 1. c4 g6 2. Nc3 c5 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 Nc6 5. Nf3 d6 6. O-O Nh6 7. b3 O-O 8. Bb2 Rb8 9. e3 Nf5 10. d3 a6 11. Qe2 b5 12. Nd5 e6 13. Bxg7 Nxg7 14. Nc3 b4 15. Ne4 f5 16. Ned2 e5 17. a3 bxa3 18. Rxa3 Nb4 19. Rc1 Bb7 20. Ne1 Bxg2 21. Kxg2 Rb6 22. Nc2 Qa8+ 23. f3 Nc6 24. Rf1 Qb7 25. Kg1 Ne6 26. f4 exf4 27. gxf4 Qg7 28. Raa1 Re8 29. Ra2 Qc3 30. Ne1 Nb4 31. Nb1 Qg7 32. Ra3 d5 33. cxd5 Nxd5 34. Ng2 Nd4 35. Qf2 Nxb3 36. Qa2 Qb7 37. Qc2 Nxe3 38. Nxe3 Rxe3 39. Nc3 Nd4 40. Qa2+ Kg7 41. Qd5 Rxd3 42. Qe5+ Kh6 43. Qxc5 Rb2 0-1

Jon Ludvig Hammer
PGN: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. Ne5 Nbd7 7. Nxc4 Nb6 8. Ne5 a5 9. e3 Nbd7 10. Qb3 Nxe5 11. dxe5 Nd7 12. e4 Be6 13. Qxb7 Rb8 14. Qa7 Nxe5 15. f4 Nd7 16. f5 Bb3 17. Bf4 Ra8 18. Qb7 e5 19. fxe6 Bxe6 20. Bc7 Qc8 21. Qxc8+ Rxc8 22. Bxa5 Bd6 23. O-O-O Ke7 24. e5 Bxe5 25. Bb4+ c5 26. Ba3 Bxc3 27. bxc3 Rc7 28. Bb5 Nb6 29. Rhe1 Ra8 30. Rd4 Kf6 31. Rf4+ Ke7 32. Re5 Nd5 33. Rf3 Kd6 34. Re1 Nb6 35. Rf4 Nd5 36. Rd4 Rca7 37. c4 Rxa4 38. Bxa4 Rxa4 39. cxd5 Rxd4 40. dxe6 Rc4+ 41. Kd2 fxe6 42. Bb2 Rg4 43. Be5+ Kd5 44. g3 g5 45. Bf6 h6 46. Kc3 Ra4 47. Re5+ Kd6 48. Re2 Ra7 49. Rd2+ Kc6 50. Be5 Ra3+ 51. Kc4 Ra4+ 52. Kc3 Ra3+ 53. Kc2 Re3 54. Bg7 h5 55. Bf6 g4 56. Bg5 Re4 57. Kd3 Kd5 58. Be3 Re5 59. Rc2 Kc6 60. Ra2 Rd5+ 61. Ke4 Kb5 62. Rb2+ Kc6 63. Rc2 Kd6 64. Rxc5 Rxc5 65. Bxc5+ Kxc5 66. Ke5 1-0

Sergey Karjakin
PGN: 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Be2 c5 6. Be3 Qb6 7. Nc3 Qxb2 8. Qb1 Qxb1+ 9. Rxb1 c4 10. Rxb7 Nc6 11. Nb5 Nd8 12. Rc7 Rb8 13. Nd6+ Bxd6 14. exd6 Rb1+ 15. Bd1 Bxc2 16. Kd2 Bxd1 17. Rxd1 Rb6 18. Bf4 Nf6 19. Re7+ Kf8 20. Rxa7 Ne4+ 21. Kc2 f6 22. h4 Nxf2 23. Rb1 Rxb1 24. Kxb1 Ne4 25. a4 Rg8 26. a5 Nc6 27. Ra6 Nb8 28. Ra7 Nc6 29. d7 Nd8 30. Kc2 Ke7 31. a6 e5 32. Bc1 Kd6 33. Ba3+ Kc6 34. Ra8 1-0
P.S. In case you're wondering... we'll have all the beautiful Russian games coming up on the blog after the Olympiad. So, keep reading.
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
Labels: Khanty-Mansiysk, World Chess Olympiad 2010
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