Margaret Prince Celebration Ladies Chess Tournament 2010

The chairman of the Development (CACDEC) Commission of FIDE Allan Herbert sent me today the following information:
Barbados is hosting a Ladies chess tournament from Jan 1- 4, 2010, in honour of one of our former ladies chess champions Margaret Prince (on the photo below).
Margaret Prince Celebration Ladies Tournament 2010
Open to all female players with an ELO rating of less than 2200, that is ELO <>
Type: 7 round Swiss
Time Control: 1 ½ hour with 30 seconds increment.
Dates: January 1 – 4, 2010. Two rounds on 1 – 3 and one on 4th.
Daily start times: first round 10.00 a.m., next round 4.00 p.m.
Closing ceremony 3.00 p.m. on January 04.
Playing site: Bridgetown Chess Center, Cavans Lane, Bridgetown, Barbados.
Prize fund US $ 2,600
1st – US $ 1,000
2nd – US $ 700
3rd - US $ 500
4th - US $ 250
Best Barbadian Player – US $ 150
Cash prizes will be shared equally, for those on equal points. Tiebreaks used to determine rankings in order are progressive, bucholz and sonnenberger.
Accomodation: Palm Garden Hotel, Worthing Christ Church US$ 42 per night per person with 3 persons in a room.
Entry Fee: WGM US$ 25
All others US$ 50
• The FIDE Laws of Chess will govern the tournament and any modifications or clarifications to these rules are noted below.
• According to the decision of the FIDE Presidential Board taken in June 2007, any player who doesn’t shake hands with his/her opponent before the game starts (and doesn’t do it after being asked to do so by the arbiter) or deliberately insults his/her opponent or the officials of the event, will immediately and finally lose the game.
• Players are not allowed to leave the playing venue (Playing area, Refreshment area, Players restrooms, Smoking area) without permission of the arbiter. Violation of this rule could be punished up to declaring the game to be lost.
• Players/spectators are not allowed to enter the closed area of the top boards if they don’t play there themselves.
• As long as the game is in progress a player may talk only to an arbiter or with his opponent as permitted by the Laws of Chess.
• In case of pre-arranged results the chief arbiter has to decide that the result of the respective game is 0-0.
• Where digital clocks are used, the time control will be 90 minutes with an increment of 30 seconds per move, starting from move one.
• Where no clock is available at the start of a game, one will be provided as soon as it becomes available. The arbiter will set the clock based on the time elapsed so far.
• The default time is 30 minutes after the scheduled start time. Players, parents, coaches and managers are kindly asked to note that if a player defaults 2 games without notifying the Chief Arbiter by telephone and without an appropriate excuse, the player in question will not be paired for the next round and runs the risk of being withdrawn from the tournament.
• All games shall be recorded on the official score-sheet provided by the organizers. Upon completion of the game, both original score-sheets shall be submitted to the Chief Arbiter or his assistants, while the copies shall be retained by the players.
• Use of cellular phones and other electronic devices during play is strictly prohibited. The penalty for an infraction against this rule is the immediate forfeiture of the game. While a game is in progress, each competitor’s cellular phone shall be switched off. Should a player’s cellular phone ring while his/her game is in progress, this will also result in the immediate forfeiture of the game. The head of the player’s delegation shall also be notified of the occurrence.
• Players shall not be permitted to make or receive telephone calls while a game is in progress except under emergency conditions and then only with the permission of the Chief Arbiter.
• All players must pay the registration fee before the commencement of the first round (December 31, 2009).
• Analysis/discussion of games is not permitted in the tournament hall.
• All players must start the clock promptly when each round begins. If a clock malfunctions, STOP the clock and call the Chief Arbiter.
• Both players of a game are responsible for reporting the result of their game.
• If a player has lost two games by default, the player will be withdrawn from the tournament.
• A player who does not wish to continue a game and leaves without resigning or notifying the Chief Arbiter is discourteous. He may be penalized at the discretion of the Chief Arbiter, for poor sportsmanship.
• If a player wants to withdraw from the tournament or if he does not want to play in the next round, he must notify the Chief Arbiter in writing before the pairing for the next round is made.
• All complaints concerning the behavior of players must be made to the Chief Arbiter. A player is not permitted to complain directly to his opponent.
The Appeals Committee will consist of five members. Three of them will be titular members and two reserve members. They will be appointed by the Chief Arbiter after consultation with the Tournament Director. No member of the Committee is entitled to make a decision in cases affecting his own games.
A player may appeal any decision made by the Chief Arbiter/ Arbiter. Any appeal is subject to a US $50.00 fee and is payable to the Barbados Chess Federation. Such appeals will be forwarded to the appeals committee whose decision will be final.
Contact: Mr. Rohan Waithe I.A.
Tel: (246) 425-3974 (H), (246) 269-3607 (C)
OR Mr. Kelvin Daniel F.A.
Tel: (246) 426-8008
Posted by: Alexandra Kosteniuk
Women's World Chess Champion
Labels: Barbados, Margaret Prince
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